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core testの例文


  • The epoxy / core test, detects voids by visual and mechanical methods.
  • Legislation has also been filed in the state senate to delay teacher evaluation based on Common Core tests until the 2016-2017.
  • It normally includes a set of core tests of basic GUI functionality to demonstrate connectivity to the database, application servers, printers, etc.
  • The team also plans to carry out coring tests in lakes around the Farmana site to ascertain climatic conditions prevalent at the time of the Harappan civilization, and investigate whether the decline of the culture followed catastrophic climate change.
  • This imprint focuses on test-preparation materials for state tests, such as the Ohio Achievement Assessment, Ohio Graduation Test, State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, Measurements of Student Progress in Washington, the Colorado Academic Standards tests, and the Common Core tests.
  • While the site offers less free information than its main competitor _ after all, both companies are trying to promote their core test-preparation-course business _ Kaplan's site does a good job of offering some tricks without letting them all out of the bag.
  • Both the College Board and ACT _ the rival exam, which is more popular in the central United States, and more achievement-based _ have been working with the university to create a test that would meet the university's wish for a core test of reading, writing and mathematics, linked closely to California's curriculum.
  • The nine-campus 178, 000-student University of California is the biggest user of the SAT I . Earlier this month, a UC faculty committee recommended that the school replace the test, beginning in 2006, with a new core test, supplemented by subject-matter tests, along the lines of the SAT II's, which are concrete knowledge tests offered in 22 subjects from world history and physics to Japanese and literature.